we buy
junk cars!!
- A tow to your trusted mechanic, dealership, tire or auto body shop
- If you’ve locked your keys in the car – get help with auto lockouts.
- A quick jump starts to get you on your way.
- Get your flat tire changed when you’re stuck by the side of the road.
- Flatbed tow trucks are available in many areas.
- A wrecker service to get your car out of the ditch. We do winch outs!
- Just simple towing services that can make your day great again!
- MacpelaTowing can help with it all!
Top cash for junk cars
junk car disposal
junk car recycling
free towing
Macpela Towing is your source for NJ, towing service. Even if you have roadside assistance through your auto insurance, you don’t always get the same reliable service you can get from a locally based business like ours. We’ll be up-front when it comes to our rates and honest about our time estimates to further lessen your worries.
Our experienced team of mechanics and technicians provides residential and commercial towing and roadside assistance, which covers tire changes, jump starts, engine troubleshooting, and emergency fuel refills. When the unexpected happens, count on our punctual, professional staff to provide:
• Accurate fee estimates
• Estimated arrival times
• Easily identifiable trucks
• High-quality work
At Macpela Towing, our goal is make your experience with us as pleasant and stress-free as possible. We offer affordable NJ, towing service options and can deliver prompt results. Contact us anytime Monday – Saturday, 8am – 10pm, for reliable towing service or roadside assistance.